LACUNA COIL's CRISTINA SCABBIA: Why You Should Make Exercise Part Of Your Daily Quarantine Routine

May 23, 2020

LACUNA COIL frontwoman Cristina Scabbia has stressed the importance of exercise during the coronavirus pandemic, not only to maintain one's physical health but also to help break up the long days in quarantine.

Earlier today (Saturday, May 23),Scabbia took to her Instagram to share a post-workout photo of herself, and she included the following message: "I'll be completely honest with you: I never liked working out (at all). I always considered the stage my one and only (amazing) gym.

"My body type is not very skinny and my muscles structure (somewhere down there) have always been really strong. I am ok with that, we are all different and I am not a runaway model.

"This pandemic made me cook a lot (and eat!!) without the chance to live my usual life outside being as active as I normal was so I have decided (forced myself) to move a little bit more.

"At first I used the threadmill [sic] I have at home. In the beginning I puffed so much and got tired really easily and I wondered why I was as soon as I could move and sing every night on a stage with no problems... I honestly wanted to give up. Somedays I had no motivations at all and I would have want to do something else, instead. I did it anyway, like an hour a day or so, having no fun. After few weeks I started to puff less and develop more resistence. It also made my mind to focus on something else rather than the covid-19 anxiety. After few weeks I started to work out on some videos on youtube for a change (as the 'routine into a routine' of the threadmill workout was driving me NUTS).

"I am a very dynamic person and always get excited when doing new stuff.
Bought a mat and started my personal journey... My legs got stronger and my mobility got better. I was faster to get something from the floor without struggling to go back to a stand up position and it felt good.

"This pic is horrible I know, we don't really look that hot as we sweat and are close to pass out, let's be honest... but I wanted to post this to inspire some of you.

"I don't have to be or look perfect. Even if I will never become a pro-athlete or a superskinny model I can still be a better version of myself, not for the look but for my own health.

"Start from few minutes and slowly improve yourself, no rush, baby steps.
Even if it's 10 minutes, 20 it for YOU (so you can eat more ;).
If a lazy bum like me did it, believe me...YOU CAN TOO.

"Have a great day, everyone!!! Love, C.

"#motivation #workout #sweatyourassoff #health #takecareofyourself #loveyourself #feelgood"

Scabbia recently urged the LACUNA COIL fans to do their part in keeping everybody healthy while they are at home due to the coronavirus pandemic.

There have been more than 5.2 million confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 338,000 deaths so far, putting public health systems and emergency services under immense pressure.

More than 228,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus in Italy, where LACUNA COIL is based, and more than 32,486 have died.

Lombardy, where LACUNA COIL's hometown of Milan is located, is the worst-affected region in the country and accounts for about half of Italy's deaths from the virus.

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I’ll be completely honest with you: I never liked working out (at all). I always considered the stage my one and only (amazing) gym. My body type is not very skinny and my muscles structure (somewhere down there?) have always been really strong. I am ok with that, we are all different and I am not a runaway model. This pandemic made me cook a lot (and eat!!) without the chance to live my usual life outside being as active as I normal was so I have decided (forced myself) to move a little bit more. At first I used the threadmill I have at home. In the beginning I puffed so much and got tired really easily and I wondered why I was as soon as I could move and sing every night on a stage with no problems... I honestly wanted to give up. Somedays I had no motivations at all and I would have want to do something else, instead. I did it anyway, like an hour a day or so, having no fun. After few weeks I started to puff less and develop more resistence. It also made my mind to focus on something else rather than the covid-19 anxiety. After few weeks I started to work out on some videos on youtube for a change (as the “routine into a routine” of the threadmill workout was driving me NUTS). I am a very dynamic person and always get excited when doing new stuff. Bought a mat and started my personal journey... My legs got stronger and my mobility got better. I was faster to get something from the floor without struggling to go back to a stand up position and it felt good. This pic is horrible I know, we don’t really look that hot as we sweat and are close to pass out, let’s be honest... but I wanted to post this to inspire some of you. I don’t have to be or look perfect. Even if I will never become a pro-athlete or a superskinny model I can still be a better version of myself, not for the look but for my own health. Start from few minutes and slowly improve yourself, no rush, baby steps. Even if it’s 10 minutes, 20 it for YOU (so you can eat more ;). If a lazy bum like me did it, believe me...YOU CAN TOO. Have a great day, everyone!!! Love, C. #motivation #workout #sweatyourassoff #health #takecareofyourself #loveyourself #feelgood

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